
The Gift of Options for Infertility

Mercier Therapy, named after me, Dr. Jennifer Mercier, is a specialized form of pelvic visceral manipulation. My work focuses on enhancing the function of the pelvic organs, improving blood flow, and releasing tension within the pelvic area. This work is non-invasive and is performed by therapists trained by me who use gentle hands-on movements to promote optimal pelvic health.

The Benefits of Mercier Therapy for Infertility

Improved Blood Circulation: Mercier Therapy aims to enhance blood...

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The Gift of Creating Safe Spaces in Labor

Den of Zen for Labor

 Labor and birth are full of mystery. They are intense, beautiful, raw, and everything in between. To help ease a laboring mother into her birthing space is to create a Den of Zen, which helps her feel calmer.

When a woman in labor feels safe in her birthing space, she is much more able to let go and move through her labor with more efficiency.

Let’s go through how the birth companion can help create this Den of Zen.


Turn off all the lights. Set up...

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The Gift of Chiropractic Care Helping You to "Rest and Digest"

Stress + Pregnancy: A Chiropractor’s Perspective


“Just breathe.”

Easier said than done, right? It can be hard. Women are pulled in a thousand different directions in a day. As a pregnant woman, your body is changing physically and hormonally at a such a significant rate, in addition to the daily stressors of life. Additionally, there may be concerns about your labor and delivery, bringing home the baby, and the new experience of motherhood.


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The Gift of Touch

Using the gift of “touch” in my practice and life. First and foremost, I am a mama to three incredible boys, a wife, a sister and a friend. I have been lucky enough to find my gifts early on and share them with others.

I am the owner/creator and sole practitioner at the Heart of Touch Massage & Birth Support. Early on in my life, I realized that I was NOT cut out for the corporate world. I became a LMT 23 years ago & birth doula 14 years ago. BEST life choices ever!

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The Gift of a Fearless Birth

 I am really honored by the invitation to share my journey to midwifery and becoming a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM).

I am dedicating this story to my Mom, Dina, who taught through example that growing and birthing babies is sacred, intuitive, and hard work. It is something we “just do.”

She never spoke about birth with fear and she always made it clear that her births belonged to her. She would (and did) fight to be left alone to move, labor and birth her way. My...

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